“Death is not the opposite of life,
but a part of it.”
― Haruki Murakami
New Perspectives
We understand. Dying is a hard, often painful topic. Rather than looking at death as a medical problem to solve, HOPEGives invites you to see it is as a precious time to support, encourage, and care for one another. HG Foundation is here to help change the conversation about death and dying and to foster acceptance for this universal human experience.
Personal beliefs live deeply within our hearts and influence our decisions. HOPEGives reminds us to honor families’ cultural and religious traditions that are so important, especially at the end of life. Sharing your wishes allow you to trust those around you will honor your wishes. Promoting knowledge and competency among care providers, HG Foundation honors our diverse community.
Family Guidance
HOPEGives creates space for families to talk about death and dying. Notes to My Family and our tools provide you practical help and knowledge. Having open conversations with your family and health care team will help you make sound decisions about your care. Communicating your end-of-life wishes with your family and health care team creates acceptance, unity, and peace of mind.
Peace of Mind
Each of us hopes for a dying process that is peaceful, provided in a healing setting, with minimal suffering, and excellent care. Peace of mind comes from knowing our family knows how to help. HOPEGives brings you peace of mind by providing information, guidance, and support as you define what is important to you.
HG Foundation builds confidence in local end-of-life care by staying abreast of needs, focusing on quality, and ensuring access to services in our community. To support excellent end-of-life care and improve access to services, HG Foundation funds direct care providers, professional development, and interdisciplinary collaborations. Your generosity makes this support possible.
Builds Community
A broad movement about end of life is taking hold across the country. Leading HOPEGives allows us to bring the conversation into your homes and our communities. Together let’s explore new ways of thinking such as The Conversation Project and Reimagine; films, books, articles, and podcasts that can guide our community in joining others to shift societal adversity towards death.
“Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time… It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.”
― Leo Buscaglia

To help people be more accepting of death and thus, to prepare, communicate with others, and to have access to exceptional, culture-based, end-of-life care with expert teams. HOPEGives extends to all people across Monterey and San Benito Counties.