CEO Message: December 2023

Dear Friends,
At Hospice Giving Foundation’s last board meeting (October 24), we began as we always do with a mission moment – asking directors to share thoughts given a topic prompt. For this meeting we asked directors to share one word to describe the impact, value, or uniqueness of HG Foundation. It was an inspiring start to the meeting.
Gratitude came first, appreciating the impact of diligent care and the ways in which hospice providers ease difficult times. We reflected on the humanity of the work and the concept of the peace that comes from open communications and plans. Community was frequently mentioned in the context of the comprehensive partnerships, broadly ranging connections, and that our grant funding stays local. Compassion wove through the discussion including how it shapes our creative approach to this work, how we deal with challenges, and how it guides our interactions with grant recipients. Pride was expressed for the education we provide about services and care. One director talked about family–the priority for most of us–and how during serious illness family strains can be reduced and bonding can be encouraged by trusted care providers. A few people talked about humility, touched to be part of this very intimate work, entrusted to support friends, neighbors, and families. Noting we are a deeply mission focused organization, people found comfort in belonging, purposefulness, as well as from the stability we provide through grant funding. The importance of advocating for personal choice was described, supporting the felt sense of control during an otherwise chaotic time. Core to this work is dignity, something we all deserve and the capacity to view death not as the opposite of life, but as a deeply moving part of life to both face and embrace. I am inspired by, and so proud to work alongside, such a passion-filled and robust board serving this organization and by extension this community.
Another special moment at this same board meeting was to announce our Agency Honoree for the annual National Philanthropy Day celebration, hosted locally in November. Over 400 people attend this event each year representing nonprofits and donors from throughout the county. Each nonprofit in attendance may submit a 45-word write-up on the person they wish to honor– the person who always goes the extra mile. HG Foundation’s staff names our agency honoree each year and we are proud to recognize Past-Chair, Kim DiBenedetto as our 2023 Agency Honoree.
Wishing you all our best,
Siobhan M. Greene
“Deeply committed and caring, Kim supports Hospice Giving Foundation on every level. A leader, donor, ambassador, friend… her heart is as big as every room she enters, her smile warms each person she meets, and her compassion drives her values and generosity. We are so grateful.”
– Siobhan Greene