CEO Message: January 2022

Going for Good!
Happy New Year to all our friends and supporters.
As we begin 2022, there are endless wishes for a happy new year, for better times, and positive change. While I appreciate all the well-wishes, sometimes I think our phrase should be ‘Have a Good Year’; as good seems more definable than happy.
So, what does ‘good’ look like? What makes a day, a month, or a year a good one? Is it balance, satisfaction, gratitude, accomplishment, or maybe peace and solitude? Each of you reading have your own definitions. Here are some of my takes on what will make 2022 a good year.
I believe ‘good’ starts with gratitude. All of us at Hospice Giving Foundation start this year with enormous gratitude for the generosity of our supporters and friends. Together you helped us surpass our goals for year-end giving campaigns, but what that really means is you are standing with us. It is humbling, gratifying, and very good to have earned your allegiance to our work.
I also think ‘good’ ties closely with a sense of satisfaction, feeling accomplished in something meaningful. We take pride in what our supporters have allowed us to do for people in our community. It is deeply satisfying to see Heal Together launch, to watch more people participate in the Spanish outreach programs Erandi is offering, and to support agencies that bring comfort and care to those with serious illness.
For me, ‘good’ means having something to look forward to. Each year we examine our work, see what is going well, what needs more innovation or change. It’s exciting to make progress on current initiatives, start new projects, and to learn about ventures our grantees want to take on.
‘Good’ is sort of a moral compass, its centering. In the context of either our internal work or the grants we award, ‘good’ can help us answer value-based questions. Will this be good to advance our mission, will this be good for the people we serve? Most importantly, will this be good for the broader community, and will it help expand access and make services more equitable?
One other thing I know for certain is that ‘good’ people make life good! We’ve cornered the ‘good people’ market here at HG Foundation with our amazing staff and board, as well as our supporters. My thanks to you all.
So, I am wishing all of you a good 2022, in whatever way you wish to define it. In fact, we’d love to hear what ‘good’ means to you. Send us an email and let me know what good in 2022 means to you and if you have suggestions for what we can do to help, please add that in!
Wishing you my best and good in your life,
Siobhan Greene
PS – Speaking of good… It’s really good to look forward to the return of the Golf Scramble on April 26, 2022. We’re so excited to see so many people we have missed and enjoy another stellar day of golf at MPCC! Hope you’ll join us!