About Chad Freeman

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So far Chad Freeman has created 87 blog entries.

CEO Message – November 2021

CEO Message: November 2021 Dear Friends, At a recent meeting with local skilled nursing facility directors* we had a presentation about the Ombudsman program and the important role they play in advocating for older adults. It is a very interesting program and I encourage you to look up the California state program or our local program through Alliance on Aging. At one point, the presenter asked: “When will you be ready

2021-11-01T09:06:07-07:00November 1st, 2021|CEO Letter|

CEO Message – July 2021

CEO Message: July 2021 I am becoming a person that I didn’t think I was. I’ve seen them for years. Now… I’m one of them. And with this confession, comes an apology for all the times I’ve rolled my eyes… I hope you didn’t see me, I’m sorry. This person isn’t overly indulgent as I once thought. I don’t think they are all the same either.  I’ve always prided our family

2021-07-12T14:11:20-07:00June 28th, 2021|CEO Letter|

Program having a profound impact on Spanish speaking families in need of grief support services during COVID-19

SALINAS, CA, May 28, 2021- A program created with generous funding from the Hospice Giving Foundation and Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation is having a profound impact on Spanish speaking families in need of grief support services during COVID-19. The program was developed and implemented at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System to provide comfort to families impacted by the deadly virus. The Spanish grief support services are offered to grieving monolingual

2021-06-15T10:50:39-07:00June 15th, 2021|News|

CEO Message – March 2021

CEO Message: March 2021 Dear Friends, Partial to torch songs with a feisty edge, I've always loved Dolly Parton's song that starts with... “Here you come again / Just when I've begun to get myself together / You waltz right in the door / Just like you've done before...” Admittedly not all the lyrics apply, but when we think about our process of re-entry, it sure feels like the first few

2021-03-24T22:50:34-07:00March 24th, 2021|CEO Letter|

Summary: 2021 End of Life Stakeholders Survey + Listening Sessions

To ensure resources are invested as effectively as possible, Hospice Giving Foundation routinely examines the strengths and limitations of end-of-life care in our community. In early 2021, we engaged with stakeholders in the local system of care for the seriously ill, whose input and dedication we greatly value. We did this while recognizing the serious disparities that exist in access to health care and how that greatly affects our communities. The primary goal was

2021-03-05T12:53:30-08:00March 5th, 2021|News|

2021 A Conversation about COVID and the End-Of-Life Experience Video

2021 A Conversation About COVID and the End-Of-Life Experience Watch this informative, helpful, and inspiring program on how serious illness and end of life is different during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this 90-minute presentation you will hear experts talk about, palliative care during COVID, good communication with doctors and family, how families are coping with a loved one with COVID, sorting through your feelings when someone is sick, how to cope with

2021-03-04T16:35:12-08:00March 4th, 2021|Video|

2020 Coping with Grief During the Holidays Program Video

2020 Coping with Grief During the Holidays Program This year's program includes a special segment on exploring how to make our limited gathering opportunities meaningful. In this 90-minute presentation you will hear experts talk about grief and loss, especially as we remember those we are missing. Presenters: Joy Smith, RN, MSN – CHOMP and Papillon Center for Loss & Transition Ruth Shapiro, LCSW – Coastal Kids Home Care Jennifer Allen, LMFT, ATR-BC

2021-03-04T16:24:50-08:00March 4th, 2021|Video|

2021 Board and Staff Updates

Hospice Giving Foundation Announces New Board Directors, New Honors, New Staff Monterey California, Wednesday January 20, 2021 — it’s been a busy season of change for Hospice Giving Foundation Board of Directors and staff.  This month we welcome new directors to our board:  S. Collin Nelson, Asset Manager at Lewis Builders, Kim Parker, CPA with Augustine Consulting, Inc, and Ben S. Jonas, ARM, Vice President Commercial & Specialty Insurance with Hub International

2021-01-20T15:53:41-08:00January 20th, 2021|News|

CEO Message – January 2021

CEO Message: January 2021 Dear Friends, New beginnings offer hope. I don’t know anyone who wasn’t ready to be done with 2020. However, the pandemic and the immense stressors on families, along with serious societal unrest continues to bring about loss, sorrow, and tragedy in our country. More than ever, we need to work together to create hope and healing. I think to find hope in times of very serious trouble,

2021-01-19T15:43:06-08:00January 14th, 2021|CEO Letter|
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