The Siobhan Greene
Care and Dignity Fund

We are excited to invite you to join us in celebrating and expressing our gratitude as we mark a significant moment in the history of Hospice Giving Foundation. Our esteemed President and CEO, Siobhan Greene, has retired, and while this is not the end of an epoch, it is a notable chapter in our journey.

Siobhan’s leadership has been a guiding light for our organization, and those of us who have had the privilege to work closely with her feel a mix of gratitude and bittersweet emotions as we bid her farewell. To honor Siobhan’s dedication and visionary leadership, the HG Foundation Board of Directors consulted with her about establishing a special fund in her name.

Introducing The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund, a fund dedicated to assisting families facing unexpected hardships with no other source of support. Over the years, we have received numerous requests for assistance, such as:

  • A young, low-income family with two small children facing the imminent loss of their mother. Her mother, who lives out of state, wishes to visit to provide care but lacks the financial means to travel. Her husband seeks guidance from the hospice nurse…
  • A multi-generational family, working in agriculture, has been watching their patriarch die. His dying wish is to be buried with his family in Mexico. Lacking the savings to fulfill this wish, they turn to their priest for help…

In response to these needs, and those outlined in the included full fund description, we are proud to introduce The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund. Our goal is to raise $500,000 over the next 3-5 years to provide, minimally, $50,000 annually in perpetuity to support the community needs described above. Thanks to the generosity of our current Board of Directors, we have already secured over $30,000 to fund the first year of the program.

We invite you to join us in honoring Siobhan’s legacy by contributing to this meaningful cause. The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund will ensure that Siobhan’s name remains an integral part of Hospice Giving Foundation, embodying the compassion and commitment she has shown throughout her tenure. We are eternally grateful for her contributions and for your continued support.

The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund

Fund Description

“There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers,
those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.”
– Rosalynn Carter

Hospice Giving Foundation is proud to announce the newly established The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund honoring its former President and CEO, Siobhan Greene. Her visionary leadership guided HG Foundation to unprecedented levels and transformed the landscape of end-of-life care in our community. Siobhan’s unwavering commitment to our mission has touched countless lives as she tirelessly promoted and advocated for dignity, comfort, and support for individuals facing the end of their journey.

This unique fund is designed to support a more peaceful end-of-life experience, with an emphasis on caregiver support, attending to unmet needs and hardships, as well as other non-medical expenses.  The overarching goal is to uphold the dignity of individuals at the end of life.

Types of funding may include the following:

  • Caregiver Support: to address the emotional, financial, and physical demands of caregiving such as stipends to provide respite or intermittent care, meal preparation, and/or psychosocial support for a family caregiver.
  • Transportation: Assistance for family members who otherwise would not have the means to travel to be with their loved one at the end of life or to provide respite care; transportation and/or gas stipends to medical appointments (for adults; children are provided for through other grant options).
  • Funeral Assistance: including the transportation of patient remains to Mexico.
  • Grief Support: especially in the event of a traumatic death whereby the patient’s family was not receiving hospice related bereavement care.
  • Services as Needed: to create healthy, safe environments for patients who are being discharged from a hospital to die peacefully at home.
  • Supplemental Funding: for traditional grantees whose grant proposal fits within the parameters of caregiver support and hardship assistance.

Hospice Giving Foundation will provide $50,000 in annual funding for individual grants consistent with this vision through a fair and equitable process, awarded to and administered through non-profit organizations. Pledges of 3-5 years will be accepted to help reach the overall funding goal to ensure that grants from The Siobhan Greene Care and Dignity Fund will be awarded in perpetuity.

Thank you for joining us in honoring such a legendary organizational and community leader during this historic time for Hospice Giving Foundation.